

There are a couple of ID3v1.1 standard extensions available on the Internet: ID3v1.2 informal standard and enhanced tag. Both are aimed to extend space for storing file metadata and have backward compatibility with ID3v1.1.

However both of them have the same issue due to a similar design. If ID3v1.2 or enhanced tag is considered as a regular ID3v1 tag (as most of present ID3v1 parsers do), there will be a garbage at the end of the file in case of tag removal. Thus, their compatibility with ID3v1 is not good enough, indeed.

That is why I was in thought how to improve ID3v1 without this annoying side effect ;-) Yes, it was in 2009 when ID3v2 was already invented and widely used. Please don't take the following text too seriously. It is just for fun. But despite this I implemented this in my id321 tool and maybe will use this tag format for my own MP3 collection. Moreover, judging by an information on the Internet, there are some people in the world who still prefer ID3v1. Probably they will find ID3v1.3 useful for their needs.

Well, it seems the only way to get some more space in ID3v1 is to reuse padding space of the ID3v1 fields. Indeed, in the most cases ID3v1 fields are not completely filled and it would be great if we can use padding space of a field in order to extend length of another field. All we need is a well-defined and unambiguous algorithm.

I had proceeded from the assumption that present ID3v1 parsers consider null-byte in the field value as an end-of-string indicator. In that case they will just ignore the padding space after a null-byte and that is why we can painlessly use this space for our improvement needs.

Extension space

Now when the main idea is stated we can start defining details. We will store continuation of truncated fields in the extension space. The extension space is a virtual space which is mapped on the free padding space of the following fields in this particular order

  1. comment
  2. title
  3. album
  4. artist
  5. year

This order is destined to minimize ID3v1.3 tag influence on sorting files by ID3v1 tag contents in case of parser which uses whole field content for sorting. Less significant fields from the sorting perspective are reused first.

When the extension space is empty it MUST be filled by null-bytes.

For example if we have such tag (@ is a null-byte, capital letters T, A, L, Y and C are also null-bytes, they are marked for explaination needs)

Title   :Bohemian Rhapsody@TTTTTTTTTTTT
Album   :Bohemian Rhapsody@LLLLLLLLLLLL
Year    :@YYY
Genre   :#

The extension space will be the following (74 bytes):


In order to minimize overhead truncated field will not contain information about where to find its continuation. Moveover, it will not contain any truncation indication at all.

When the comment has a length of 28 bytes there is no way to distinguish whether it is a track number stored in 30th byte of the comment field or a first byte of extension space. Because of that ID3v1.3 tag MUST NOT use the comment field for the extension space and MUST have a null-byte as 30th byte of the comment field if the comment has a length of 28 bytes and the track number is not specified.

Field types

There are four expandable fields in ID3v1.3 tag:

Note that year is not an expandable field.

Fields are classified by length:


All truncation information is contained by the one or two bytes at the very beginning of the extension space called header. The header has a floating format which depends on a couple of factors. The general structure of the header is the following:

Number of terminated exp. fields Number of extended fields Max ext. size Max segm. size Required bitmask size (bits) Header format Comments
4 0 119 0 0 none pure ID3v1
3 0..1 90 90 0 none no header needed since the most here can be is the only segment and its field can be unambiguously identified as the only non-terminated field
2 0..2 61 60..59 2 $FFLLLLLL
1 0..2 32 31..30 3 $FFFLLLLL length is always zero since the most here can be is the only segment
1 3 32 28 3 $FFFLLLLL $000SSSSS 2 bytes
0 0..2 3 2 4 $FFFFLLLL only two bits can be set in FFFF

LLLLLL is a length of the first segment in the extension space and SSSSSS is a length of the second segment. The third segment does not need an explicit length definition as it is always the last segment and therefore it is terminated by null-byte or end-of-store.

FFFF can never has more than two bits set. Because in this case the field year is the only donor for the expansion space and all it can give is 3 bytes which are sufficient to store minimal data for up to two fields only.

Extension space segments order

In order to minimize overhead the ID3v1.3 tags have predefined order of segments in the extension space.

It means that FFFF bits MUST be checked in this particular order only. First bit set means that the first segment is a continuation of the its related field. Second bit is for second segment etc.


ID3v1.3 tag removes ID3v1.[01] tags limitation of 80 characters per field being fully backward compatible with them. It still have i18n issues and total fields length limitation, so in case of non-Latin1 characters it is still no fully self-describing and because of that may be used in local environment only where encoding rules are stated outside of tags.



Let's look at the examples from ID3v1 enhanced tag specification.

The tag with a long artist name.

Title   :In The Ghetto@Delta@@@@@@@@@@@
Artist  :David Morales & The Bad Yard C
Album   :@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
Year    :@@@@
Comment :@lub feat. Crystal Waters and
Genre   :#

The tag with a long song title.

Title   :Barrel Of A Gun (United Nine I
Artist  :Depeche Mode@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
Album   :@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
Year    :@@@@
Comment :@nch One Punch Mix)@@@@@@@@@@@
Genre   :#

Let's make it more complicated by adding a comment.

Title   :Barrel Of A Gun (United Nine I
Artist  :Depeche Mode@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
Album   :@$nch One Punch Mix)@@@@@@@@@@
Year    :@@@@
Comment :Let's imagine the comment here
Genre   :#

Note that a header has appeared here at the very beginning of the extension space because this tag has more than one (actually two: title and comment) non-terminated expandable fields. The header stores information about non-terminated expandable fields have to be extended.

Let's make it yet more complicated by adding an album title.

Title   :Barrel Of A Gun (United Nine I
Artist  :Depeche Mode@Mix)@@@@@@@@@@@@@
Album   :The best album@$nch One Punch 
Year    :@@@@
Comment :Let's imagine the comment here
Genre   :# adding a track number (ID3v1.1).

Title   :Barrel Of A Gun (United Nine I
Artist  :Depeche Mode@Mix)re@@@@@@@@@@@
Album   :The best album@$nch One Punch
Year    :@@@@
Comment :Let's imagine the comment he@#
Genre   :#

And finally let the tag fill all available for ID3v1 space.

Title   :Barrel Of A Gun (United Nine I
Artist  :Depeche Mode@Mix)ong comment h
Album   :The best album@$nch One Punch
Year    :@ere
Comment :Let's imagine a really loooo@#
Genre   :#

Here is the song with the longest title in my collection. To be honest it is already in FLAC, but anyway :-)

Title   :Песня о неуважении к собственн
Artist  :Бригадный Подряд@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
Album   :Красота сожрёт этот мир@@@@@@@
Year    :2004
Comment :@ной личности@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@#
Genre   :#


Copyright © 2009–2010 Vitaly Sinilin.